Be in the Parade
The theme for the 2025 parade will be announced soon!
The parade will start, as usual, at 11:00am on Nate Whipple Highway (Route 120) Cumberland, RI, close to the North Attleboro town line.
The parade, over 90 years old, has been known as the Horribles Parade. However, it now includes fire trucks, antique and custom cars, bands, clowns, decorated bicycles, Patriotic Walkers and floats. The success of the parade has been founded on the creativity and enthusiasm of people such as yourself. Therefore, can we count on your participation this year?
If building a float is not for you, then perhaps you or your organization can participate in some other way. Whatever you decide, we hope you will participate in the Annual Parade.
There is no charge to enter a float, car or wagon, or whatever you might want as long as it is family acceptable.
We can help with trailers or trucks if you need that type of help. Please contact us!
Call the parade formation chairperson at 401-766-2780 (days) or 401-333-1381 (evenings) with any questions.
Floats come in all sizes…. there is none too small or too large!
Children, adults and seniors as well as business owners are all welcome to take part.
Here is the Official Parade Entry Form. Please fill it out to let us know about your entry.
Prize money is awarded for the best floats. In addition, plaques will also be awarded in various categories. So, start planning your floats now.
To guarantee inclusion in the judging for prizes, you should be present and ready to be judged by 9:30 A.M. Judging will begin promptly at 10:00AM.
As a safety precaution, please be advised that no objects may be thrown or sprayed from any float (e.g. silly string, snappers, candy, and water pistols/guns). Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of participation in future parades. Help keep our children safe on the parade route!
The Arnold Mills Parade Association and the people of Cumberland hope to see you at the parade. Thank you.